My book was released in March of 2022. As the name suggests, it's about The Highwaymen. However, it's not a deep dive into their careers per se. It's a lot of stories and anecdotes I've picked up along the way. Many of the stories I learned from performing concerts and speaking with people about their interactions with these men. One of the other things I try to do, is connect people with some of the more modern country music. I'm not a fan of the overwhelming amount of country music that's on the airwaves nowadays. However, there's some great new country music that exists and I try and spotlight some of it. You can now purchase the Ebook and paperwork through Amazon at this link. You can also buy the paperback version through the Barnes and Noble website at this link.




The Songs of Willie Nelson

There Will Be Peace in the Valley

Click here to listen.

The Songs of the Highwaymen